NOV believes it is important that you understand how NOV collects, stores, shares and uses information from and about you which directly or indirectly identifies you (“Personal Data”). This Privacy Notice applies generally to all platforms and websites operated by NOV to provide or receive good and services and/or exchange information with our customers or vendors (“Website”). It discloses how we collect, use and disclose Personal Data along with non-personal information collected through the Website or in the course of our business activities conducted elsewhere.

Should another site that is controlled, operated, or administered by NOV provide a privacy notice which is inconsistent with this notice, this notice shall govern unless and to the extent the other privacy notice is necessitated by applicable law. This notice does not apply to the information collected, stored, shared, or distributed by third-party sites. This notice may be updated from time to time.

Please read this notice carefully. By visiting our Website you acknowledge the practices described in this notice, subject to those circumstances where your specific consent is requested.

Throughout this Notice we use the term “processing” to cover all activities involving your Personal Data, including collecting, handling, storing, sharing, accessing, using, transferring and disposing of Personal Data.

For the purposes of applicable data protection law, NOV is the controller of any personal information collected from you on the Website or otherwise for the purpose of conducting or developing our business relationship with you.